Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Weak1 update

Well, this week, I was a little behind.  I had birthdays and parties to go to, so I didn't get everything finished in time, but I am still working on this and I have something to actually show this time.
I just finished hooking up my scanner again, so here are some very sketchy and weakly-drawn storyboards for your enjoyment.
I have a total of 35 cards, but I will only upload the first 5 for now.  Also, these are early storyboards that probably could use some better direction.  I am keeping this animation limited in terms of complexity, such as camera scanning and movement, and animation.  However, if there are techniques and other tools I should use to make these better, please let me know.  I will be researching more into this on a later project, but for now I will try to get through as much as I can.
Here are the first 5, enjoy:

I may post more of these later, but I will probably put together an Animatic to test the timing and to make sure all the scenes work out.  The actual drawings I have finished for the animation itself are looking really good so far, and still have more work, but I am excited that this project will actually get off the ground.
As always, I am open to constructive feedback and criticism, but do keep it helpful. :)

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