Thursday, November 17, 2011

Post-Finals... post

Greetings again one and all! I come to you today from the SCAD Atlanta campus at the DMC (Digital Media Center) building. I am busy working on a final project for a class. I said in the title that this is a post-finals post, and it is. This final suffered from an unfortunate event 2 days ago while I was rendering it.  A teacher decided it was a good idea to log off a computer in the computer homework lab while it was rendering, without realizing that when you do that you end up deleting all the content that the previous owner added.   So... All my 300+ files and hours of work was gone! I had to start from scratch and unfortunately I was unable to finish my project in time.   Luckily, my professor (who is an awesome guy) got word of this, and allowed me an extension, which is a God-send. So I am here having just finished rendering it again, and will present it to him in person Friday.   I hope he likes it cause I put many hours into this one (although I know there are people who put far more time into theirs, but I was busy working on another project for another class, which did get an A!).  So that's where things stand at the moment at SCAD.
Unfortunately, life at home has gotten a little crazy too.  Apparently today while I was out rendering, our building backed-up and flooded my apartment.   SO I have the joy of going home to a wet mess and people fixing and drying things.  This will probably take all weekend, and I still need to clean things up, so it might as well happen today cause everything needed to be washed anyways.

Long post short... let me present to you the project that I DID (just barely) finish on time. This animation got me an A for my Principles of 2D animation class... which brings my grade for the class up to an A! He even liked my sketchbook. So without further ado, Adam and the Flower:


I also have a sample page from my sketchbook. These are designed specifically to capture motion, and use quick gestural lines. I drew from pictures, master drawings, and real life. I visited Zoo Atlanta and took more than 400 pictures as well.  This is a sample of my best drawings.  Enjoy.


Here is the final animation for my Principles of Screen Design class.  The focus on this is motion, camera principles, and so on.  Still awaiting a grade (since I literally just finished it):

And finally, in the world of professional animations.... Pixar has out a new trailer for the film "BRAVE". Check it out!:

And Studio Ghibli has released a new trailer for their film, "The Secret World of Arrietty" (based on "The Borrowers"). Check it out too!:

Also, be sure to check out the latest episodes of 7th Row center!!  This week and next week's are all about (da da da daaaa) The Muppets!  So don't miss it!

So that's all for now!  In the words of Porky Pig...  Tha tha tha... Oh forget it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Watch your head!

Well it's that time... crunch time!  2 weeks left of classes, that's only 4 classes left till this quarter is finished!  No time left to think, just time to enough to work.  I've been up late all weekend working on a term paper and now I'm down to the final tests and projects!  So before I vanish into the world of even more sleepless nights, cramped hands, and bloodshot eyes, I wanted to share my latest animation from last week.  This one is of Adam reacting to a pie being thrown at his head.  Enjoy!

Be sure to check out the latest episode of 7th Row Center.  I was too busy to attend this show, but I will be back for the next one (of course that means I'll be doing it in the middle of finals... lucky me!)

Ta Ta!