Saturday, April 20, 2013

The End?

Well I have come to realize and WeaklyAnimated has fulfilled its goal as is, in that it was to chronicle my development from a weak animator to a decent one. While I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, I have decided that Weakly Animated needs to come to an end in its current form. This means I will either shut it down, or repurpose it in the coming weeks.
I was thinking that perhaps turning it into a movie review website might work. However I am open to suggestions. But fear not, you can still keep up with all my latest art and insight and whatnot on my new blog: "Pixel of the Day". Pixel of the Day is going to be dedicated to showcasing something I made or learned every day! I want to use this as a catalyst for getting better at digital art of all kinds, and keep my content together in one place (with a less-dubious name). So for now, you can head on over to to see my latest posts and artwork. Some of it may be old, some of it new, but all it will be my own work.
Thank you for all your support. Please, if you have any suggestion with what to do with Weakly Animated, send them my way!

Keep Animated!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Vita Magus

I apologize for the long delays between posts. I really do have lots of things going on and lots of things to show people. However right now I'd like to share with everyone the official blog for one of my classes, 3D Group Project. The idea with this class is that a group of about a dozen students (grads and undergrads) make a film from start to finish in 10 weeks (or less).
The film we are making is called Vita Magus and you can find the official blog with all the updates at

So be sure to check it out! I should be posting more soon to how projects from past quarters and add some film reviews as well.