Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Project Update: Day 1

Well I am busy at work on the second day already, which is mostly going to comprise of drawing the various scenes and elements of the animation.  I will focus on getting the easiest parts done first, so I can finish the majority of the animation before I get to the more complicated animation (frame-by-frame) which will take longer.  Luckily there is not much of that in this animation, which is the point of making it a short film, and by short, I mean SHORT... like 30 seconds, which is about average for a commercial.
So here is a recap of what happened yesterday.

Alas, I did not get as far as I wanted yesterday, but that is mainly due to my own inherit laziness.  I have been focusing on chores and other activities (like my 60+ and growing unread emails) rather than focusing on the animation.  What I DID do was still very helpful to get a head start today and tomorrow with the drawings.
Essentially, I drew out the entire story board on a series of 3x5 index cards, which I will be scanning in later this week (when I start scanning the actual drawings, since my scanner is not hooked up at the moment), and I will post online as soon as I can.  It took about 40 cards, but a lot of those scenes will actually just use re-cycled animation to save on time.
I also researched the various elements in the animation that I will need to draw, to give me a good reference for a starting point.  I needed lots of pictures of cars, cop cars, old cars, insides of cars...  In all, I have collected the best ones (about a dozen) that best suits my needs (plus one really awesome concept car design just to look at :p) and will be using these (printed out) to get a start on these drawings with fairly accurate, or at least decent, depictions of what they are suppose to be.
I also started some of the drawings, but spent too much time on other tasks, that I didn't even finish the first one yet, so i am going to buckle down and spend the rest of the day today and tomorrow working on finishing up these drawings.

Onward I go, to victory!

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