Monday, December 14, 2009

It begins...

Well the first brainstorming session is complete.  We have fleshed out details, added some great new content, and gone over the details for every shot and animation styles.  I am even playing with how music and sound effects will be done.
I will start in the morning with story boards, simple and quick, which will be very sketchy but should be enough to get the idea.  I will probably post a few of them online, in low quality, by the end of the day.
I also planned out my week with a bit of a buffer in case it (inevitably) takes longer to complete than planned.
So far, this is how things for my week look:

Monday: Story boards, character designs, drawing.
Tuesday: Drawing.
Wednesday: Drawing, scanning, coloring, animating.
Thursday: Coloring, Animating.
Friday: Animating, Sound effects.
Saturday: Music, Sound effects, Graphics (titles, etc)
Sunday: Final tweaks, rendering, posting online, brainstorming for next week.

Granted, this is a LOOSE timeline, I hope to take LESS time per topic than I listed here to give me a better buffer at the end of the week.  Music also will probably only be a placeholder until actual music is created by the members of Tangent Artists, which may take a few weeks.  But until the animation is the important part, sound is merely a detail that can be dealt with at a later date if need be.

So expect some updates tomorrow, and perhaps some pictures as well.
Wish me luck!

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