Saturday, August 14, 2010

SCAD review

Hi all.
Sorry for the delay in posting.  Today, I will be giving a brief review of my trip to the Atlanta campus of SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design).
(I will be adding a few pictures shortly, since they are still stored on a different computer).

SCAD is a full accredited college, with 4 locations, one in Savannah, one in Atlanta, one in France, and one in Hong Kong.  They also have online offerings for several eLearning courses.  There are lots of opportunities to go between campuses if you wish.  Because their acceptance is for the entire school, if you accepted to one location, you can go to any location you want.  So if you wish to take some courses through eLearning, you can chose to take them while attending other classes without any trouble.

The Atlanta campus is located in the heart of Atlanta, where they have taken residence in a variety of buildings across the city.  They occupy several buildings, but I took a tour of 3 of them.  The most impressive thing about these buildings is that they either refurbish existing buildings, or they build very green buildings.  Their goal is to be as environmentally friendly as they can, while integrating themselves into the community.  The buildings I had the opportunity to tour included the Main building, the Digital Multimedia building, and the student housing.

The main building was once a government building, that was later owned by a "dot com" company that went under shortly after spending millions to refurbish the building.  It is a very large building, with several floors dedicated to separate areas of study, and a large cafeteria, where students and mingle with each other and meet people in other areas of study.  There is a large library, several galleries, including student work in hallways, and professional galleries for inspiration to students.  The main building even has a student store, where the students can sell their work to guests.  Some of their more interesting and impressive points include traditional presses for printing press classes, large dark rooms for traditional film processing, a large fashion department using a variety of industry standard devices, and a very impressive sequential art department.

The Digital Multimedia building is the most interesting and exciting building there.  This building was made in 2009, using very green methods, and designed to function with green technologies.  The building uses recycled materials throughout the structure, water that is naturally cooled to regulate the temperature within the building, and natural lighting whenever it is possible.  The building includes a real, working film studio, where they can broadcast and film, including green screen technologies,  and motion capture.  They include Wacom Cintique monitors in all the classrooms for students to use.  The facilities are very impressive, and are located close to the main building, with regular transportation provided.

The student housing building is actually a refurbished hotel.  This building has a pool, community areas, and security.  The rooms are hotel room sizes, with 2 beds, which can be bunked, and fully furnished from Ikea.  The best part of this building is that it has a secure walking path to the main school building, and is less than a 5 minute walk away.

All of the buildings are open 24 hours, with full security.  There are a variety of other building that I did not get to tour.  One of them is a large mansion, but I did not have the opportunity to look at it.

I will go more into this at a later date.  I will update this post with pictures from the tour, and any updated information as well.
I will be posting some movie reviews soon too, so Stay Tooned!

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